SIDS SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden, unexplained death of an infant younger than one year old. Some people call SIDS "crib death" because many babies who die of SIDS are found in their cribs. SIDS is the leading cause of death in children between one month and one year old. Most SIDS deaths occur when babies are between one month and four months old. Premature babies, boys, African Americans, and American Indian/Alaska Native infants have a higher risk of SIDS. Although health care professionals don't know what causes SIDS, they do know ways to reduce the risk. These include: This information is meaningful to me because so many people are not even aware SIDS. It is so important that families be educated on the safe sleep habits when it comes to their infant. Compared to rates in other developed countries, the U.S. SIDS rate remains high. For example, in 2005, the U.S. rate ranked second...